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Yelena Isinbayeva reage a novo documentário sobre o doping na Rússia

A russa Yelena Isinbayeva, que agora ocupa um cargo na Agência Russa Antidopagem (RUSADA) se posicionou em suas redes sociais após a veiculação de um novo documentários sobre o esquema de doping na Rússia.

Entre os principais pontos de suas declarações, Isinbayeva criticou Andrey Dmitriev, o atleta responsável pelas gravações secretas que foram exibidas pelo canal alemão ARD. A russa afirmou que não concorda com atitudes como a de Dmitriev, que ao invés de reportar as infrações aos órgãos competentes como o Ministério do Esporte ou Agências Antidoping preferiu buscar veículos de imprensa.

Isinbayeva reforçou que é contra qualquer tipo de doping e que muitos atletas inocentes estão sofrendo pelo erro de terceiros, afirmando que seu país está sendo denegrido por atletas que competiram sob efeito de substâncias ilegais.

Isinbayeva também afirmou que sua carreira é a prova de que existem esportistas honestos na Rússia e que ela e seu treinador nunca precisaram recorrer a métodos terapêuticos, como muitos outros atletas, pois não seria desonesta, dizendo que sua carreira e saúde foram mais importantes que o que ela chama de "medalhas sujas".

A íntegra do comunicado de Isinbayeva você pode conferir abaixo:
🇬🇧 Dear friends and colleagues! I would like to express my point of view on the recently appeared doping story video from another informant. I have a question: why don’t the informants contact investigating authorities instead of filming material on a hidden camera and then selling it? Why don’t they go to the Ministry of sports or anti-doping agency to declare the violations? Why are ALL athletes accused again with no evidence? All around the world the facts of anti-doping violations by certain athletes and their staff are considered as their own personal responsibility. In my opinion, in order to declare "state support of doping", it is necessary to define what the word "state" means: is it the president and his subordinates or is it any citizen of the Russian Federation?! I AM, BY ALL MEANS, AGAINST DOPUNG , against those people who violate anti-doping rules, but also I am against those, who with no evidence and reasons it brings together the guilty and the innocent athletes making him/herself a fighter for justice and blaming everybody around, question the existence of clean sports and clean athletes in Russia. And what is typical is that our country and our clean athletes are denigrated exactly by those sportsmen who failed in sports. I declare that clean sport was, is and will be in Russia, and my career is its confirmation. We with my coach had never thought of violations, unlike many western athletes we had never turned to therapeutic exceptions, as even this was considered to be dishonest to our rivals. For us, our health and our reputation are more important than "dirty medals". In our country, there is a huge number of honest professional athletes who will tell about their cleanness themselves. Unfortunately, those sportsmen who have no relation to doping, are suffering because of people who failed in sports, violated anti-doping rules and wanted to earn money in such way.
Uma foto publicada por Yelena Isinbaeva (@isinbaevayelena) em

Foto: Kai Pfaffenbach/Reuters

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